Just a collection of photos with a few small descriptions from biology classes I've taken. It's more for personal studying material than for the public, but by all means...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Phylum Zygomycota
Rhizopus nigricans sp.

- The dark dots are the zygosporangium, which holds the zygote. "Meiosis will occur in the zygote to restore the haploid chromosome number characteristic of the fungal lifecycle." (http://www.aug.edu/biology/fungipage102.htm)

Mold Types
- The only one I know of from below is Rhizopus... hopefully I can categorize more later!

Saccharomyces - Methylene blue smear
- Commonly known as yeast. They produce ascospores, which are pretty much just spores contained in an ascus, which is a sexual-spore bearing cell, which then is produced in an ascomyte fungi.

Peziza apothecum
- "Cup" fungi... they look like nature's cups, pretty much. The body of ascoma is what the arrow in the second pic is pointing to, I think, and the bottom part is the ascocarp. So many asco-X's.

Claviceps purpurea
- Causes ergotism, apparently... "Ergotism is caused by the chemicals in the fungus called ergot (pronounced AIR-got). Consumption of foods contaminated with ergot and ergot derivatives may cause vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations, and may lead to gangrene in serious cases. Historically the fungus has been implicated in epidemics causing thousands of fatalities, but due to increased knowledge of this fungus and a more varied modern diet such epidemics no longer occur in humans. However, chronic exposure through consumption of contaminated foods can lead to health complications."

Boletus c.s.
- Just another common mushroom, which is tasty! You got me though, I've never tried any mushroom except Shiitake. >.>

- Type of mushroom... I'm guessing these are thin-sliced portions of it

Lichen teased - w.m.
- Just a lichen that was teased apart for better viewing, I think.

Lichen - Crustose
- Type of lichen

Lichen - Fruticose
- Type of lichen

Lichen - Foliose
- Type of lichen

Cheese - Not sure what sp.; Fruit - perhaps Rhizopus; Yogurt - Rhizopus sp.
- Type of cheese with heavy fungus around the edges in first picture,
Food with different types of mold,
Very spoiled yogurt with mold surrounding edges
